The Father Says Today: April 29th, 2023

The Father says today, do not be afraid to dream big, for your dreams are not just fantasies but a glimpse of what I have in store for you. Trust Me with the details, for I am the Master Planner of your life. I know the best way to bring about the fulfillment of your desires, and I will not fail you. Do not be discouraged by the delays or setbacks, for they are only temporary. I am using those situations to refine and prepare you for the greatness that I have in store for you. So, instead of focusing on the problems, focus on Me, and trust that I will bring you through victoriously. Remember, says the Father, that I am a God of abundance and not lack. I can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you can ask or think according to the power that works in you.
So, let your faith rise and expect great things from Me, for I can make all things work together for your good. In conclusion, says the Father, trust Me with your dreams, and I will bring them to pass. Leave the details to Me, and focus on the One who holds your future in His hands. For I am the Lord, your God, and I will never leave nor forsake you. Amen.

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