The Father Says Today – April 28th, 2024

The Father says today, run into the strong tower of My name for My protection, blessing, and favor, which are there waiting for you. Know that I am with you always, even in the midst of your trials. You are not alone. The path you walk may be difficult, but I have equipped you with the strength and resilience to see it through. Trust in my guidance and allow my presence to be your anchor.

Anchor your expectation upon the significance of the name before whom every knee will bow and every tongue confess. It is the very chalice of my love and salvation. Call upon My name in times of need when all seems lost, and I will hear you and rescue you from all your troubles. Through My name, you have access to My immeasurable power. Do not be afraid to ask for help, for I am the ever-ready God, the prompt savior to grant it according to my perfect will. Keep your faith and walk with me in confidence. I will guide you through the darkness to the light of a new dawn.

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