The Father Says Today: April 28th, 2013

Russ-n-Kitty-Feb-2013x150The Father says today that I am the satisfaction of your soul. Under the shadow of My wings you will sup and you will drink deeply of My spirit. I will pour out the draught of My joy and My life and you will be forever changed says the Father. No more drinking from the troughs of hopelessness and desperation that the world offers. What I will cause you to drink of is the pure refreshment of Myself. I am drawing you into the place where My glory dwells.
I know you says the Father. I know when you see My glory and when you see the place where My glory dwells you will never turn back. You will never go back to what was for I am bringing you to My NOW that NOW IS. No more waiting says the Father. No more delay or indecision. The DEEP of My DEEP envelopes you now and nothing shall by any means harm or hurt or even distract you for I AM the OVERSHADOWING grace that OVERSHADOWS you now.

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