The Father Says Today: April 27th, 2023

The Father says today that My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. I have given you the capacity to manifest the substance of your hopes and dreams. You do not need to stress, strain or cultivate some ethereal attitude to move in the miraculous. Just as you have experienced the knowledge gifts and the spoken gifts of tongues and prophecy, so I am bringing you to the place where miracles will flow, and healing will flow out of you to others, in an effortless and natural way.

Miracles don’t tax My ability, says the Father. As a new creation, I have made it possible for you to become NATURALLY SUPERNATURAL. You need not become religiously worked up or altered in some unnatural way. Just allow the miraculous to flow out from who I AM on the inside of you. This is the process at work in you, and through this, My fullness is being birthed in you in a dramatic and powerful way

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  • SueEllan says:

    I am speechless to every single word because God is at work in and through me unexpectedly. But I assigned to the assignment and task and experience His supernatural power in and through me. In me to go deeper into His presence. To others for them to experience the agape LOVE of the Father.