The Father Says Today – April 26th, 2024

The Father says today, seek My face, and you will see My hand. Press into My presence before the press of your day begins. I understand the many demands vying for your attention, a relentless current threatening to pull you under. Today, I offer a reprieve. Let go of the tyranny of the “urgent.” There’s only one truly important thing: to sit at My feet. Seek stillness. Come, gather yourself near My footstool. Turn your face towards Me; fully set your heart and mind on this. Don’t let the noise of the world dictate your pace. It may roar like a raging river, but there is calm here, in My presence. Allow yourself to experience the depth of My embrace. Let Me enfold you, feel the security of My comfort.

This isn’t a one-time action for you to take. Make this a daily practice. Seek Me first before the worries and tasks of the day take hold. In these quiet moments, receive the strength and perspective you need. You’ll find anxieties lessen; burdens become manageable as you commune with Me. This is where true clarity and direction are found. Realize that the world won’t collapse if you take this time aside with Me as you come apart with Me. In fact, the opposite is true. You’ll approach your day with renewed focus and a heart overflowing with My peace. The tasks you face won’t seem as daunting; the decisions you make will be grounded in wisdom. You’ll be better equipped to navigate the challenges, your actions guided by a deeper understanding. Don’t underestimate the power of this quiet communion. It’s the foundation for a day lived fully in My purpose. Seek Me first, and all else will fall into place.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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