The Father Says Today: April 26th, 2023

The Father says today that I will not leave you languishing in sorrow and helplessness. Things will get better by My hand. Cast all your cares upon Me, for I care for you and will provide the necessary superintendence to bring about change. Expect change, says the Father. Expect SUDDEN and CERTAIN change. Hold everything loosely and be prepared to respond and not to react to the shaking and upheaval that breaks every chain and brings every captive free.

I am the God that brings freedom, says the Father. When you invoke My presence, you are invoking liberty, for where My Spirit is, liberty is manifest and bondage is removed. I am not willing for you to live without joy; therefore, you will not live without joy. I am standing in your future, but I am also manifesting in your now, even this day, to bring you to a ground state of joy and fulfillment, says the Father.

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