The Father Says Today: April 26th, 2021

The Father says today, there is a finishing anointing upon you this day. I am positioning you for final victory. The struggle and the wrestling you are experiencing is not intended to go on interminably without end. I will make an end, says the Father. Even as your heart has cried out before My throne “how long oh, Lord?” Know that I have heard you and I have answered. The time is now and there will be no delay. This is your time. This is your hour. You are not time bound or time referred. You are living in the now of My promise. It is a false premise among men to think that I am waiting on some specific time or condition to be met before I act in your defense. Learn when confronted by the enemy to promptly counterattack without delay, knowing, as king David knew, that I am with you always! I Am with you and because I am with you there will be no downfall, because you have chosen to align your expectations with all I have promised and not with the enemy’s threats.

Receive the key of David, says the Father. David threw himself into terrible battles against impossible odds knowing that I would never forsake or abandon him. As I was with David, so I am with you. I didn’t love David then more than I love you now. I am no respecter of persons, but I am a respecter of faith. As you do with your faith what David did with his faith, you WILL have the SAME results. I have said, and I have declared that you are a king and a priest before Me. David knew WHAT I had made him and WHO I had made him to be. It is time for you to fully know what and who I have made you to be beloved. Then you can come out of the place of cowering behind a clock or some cosmic timepiece trying to figure out when you can act in such a way that I will underwrite your efforts. My answer toward you is yes and My invitation is now. Every promise is yes and amen. My faithfulness and My willingness to bless and bring you to destiny is not in question. The only question you must settle is are you prepared to radically believe and commit this day to all that I have promised you in My word?

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