The Father Says Today: April 25th, 2023

The Father says today, My child, hear me when I say that every true desire within you has been placed there by me. You were not created to live without longing, dreaming, or wanting. It is natural to feel a sense of dissatisfaction when life is empty or full of sorrow. Do not let religion tell you that wanting nothing is the path to contentment. I came to give you abundant life, not a life of suffering and spiritual abundance. Do not listen to those who say My blessings are only for the “spiritual” or that I care nothing about your natural state. These views arise from illegitimate authority and are spurious and uninspired. They do not know me or what I have done for you, or what I have planned.

You are going to have to ask Me. You MUST ask. Yes, I know what you need for I am all-knowing but your ASKING is part of My ordained means of your RECEIVING! You must come to me with your desires, even if they seem imperfect or childish. I rejoice in your honesty and transparency and will not punish you for asking difficult or hidden things. Call out to me, even in times of trouble, and I will answer you and avenge you quickly. Come to the table and let us reason together, moving towards openness, freedom, and breakthrough. This is your portion in this season, and I am here to guide you through it.

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