The Father Says Today: April 24th, 2013

Russ-and-Kitty-April-2013x300The Father says today that I am the same yesterday and today and forever. The faithfulness I exhibited to My servant Abraham I am according to you because that is My nature. It is who I am and what I do. There is no special grace that I accorded to Abraham that I will not grant to you. In fact the favor on Abraham was only the beginning of My promises to man. In your life I will bring not only the beginning but the full extent of all My covenant and blessing and grace.
So let your heart and your faith rise to the occasion and seek out all that I am willing to do in you and for you. You will not be left out says the Father. I say to you this day that you are not excluded or counted out in any way. Put your expectations upon Me and your trust for you will not be disappointed. I am the God of fullness and of My fullness you are destined and ordained to taste not only in the world to come but in this day and this moment in every situation and circumstance that you face.

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