The Father Says Today – April 23rd, 2024

The Father says today, remember this: no love surpasses the love I have for you. I sacrificed myself, laying down My life for your sake, and then taking it up again. In that act, I took you with Me. When I rose from the tomb, victorious over death, your life, your soul, and your very awareness became intertwined with Mine by My divine will. No human, no demon, no external force can dictate your life. You belong to Me. There will be a moment, chosen by Me when I will decisively claim you. You will be free from the illegitimate authority that has dared to control your affairs. I will cast aside their influence as insignificant as yesterday’s scraps. Put your trust in Me. Look forward to the coming of your deliverance. Let faith be your song, a melody on your lips and within your heart. They who have troubled you do not understand who they have angered. They have touched the apple of My eye, and for that, they will face the consequences.

This burden you carry is temporary. It does not define you. You are not chained to these circumstances. I am your anchor, your foundation. Lean on Me. Let go of the anxieties that cloud your spirit. I am here, and I will see you through this. There will be challenges, yes, but remember, I have already overcome the world. You walk with Me, and My victory is yours. Keep your eyes fixed on what is ahead, on the horizon where My light will break through. Do not be swayed by the darkness that surrounds you. It has no power over the path I have laid before you. Trust in Me. Find solace in My presence. Your deliverance is at hand.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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  • Ndivhuwo says:

    To your encouragement word of God I will be healed and i will also find peace in both part , what the sutan has stolen to me must have to come back to me in JESUS NAME AMEN