The Father Says Today – April 22nd, 2024

The Father says today, you’ve cried out for an upshift, a quicker pace. It’s granted, but understand that acceleration brings turbulence. There’s no rigid schedule set in stone. When we work together, timing and circumstances are fluid. Events you anticipated unfolding sooner might take longer. Conversely, what you envisioned as distant might arrive swiftly. My primary concern isn’t a rigid timeline; it’s your resilience through the process. Let me reiterate: With acceleration comes unavoidable turbulence. But you’ll navigate it by holding fast to Me, clinging to My presence. My arms are outstretched, ready to embrace you, to hold you close. You inherently grasp why this message finds you today. The anxieties swirling within you, the questions about delays—this word addresses them directly. Don’t misinterpret the current bumps and jarring situations as a sign of straying from My path. They’re an inherent part of the accelerated journey.

Trust that I’m maneuvering you through the rough patches, using them to strengthen your foundation. Focus on the unwavering grip you have on Me, and I’ll ensure you emerge from the turbulence even more grounded and prepared for what lies ahead. There will be moments of frustration, a longing for the calmness you associate with a slower pace. But remember the purpose of acceleration. It’s not simply to get you there faster; it’s to equip you for the challenges and opportunities that await. Embrace the present struggles, for they are shaping you for the victories to come. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Let My presence be your anchor, your source of unwavering strength. The destination you yearn for is coming into view, but the journey itself holds immense purpose. Trust that I am with you every step of the way through the tranquil stretches and the turbulent passages.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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  • Ndivhuwo says:

    I am very happy for the words of inspiration that a coming from you man of God, I really believe that one day I will find piece and leave a normal life like other
    I really appreciate it MAN OF GOD and thank for your prayers and continue praying for Me. AMEN