The Father Says Today: April 22nd, 2013

Russ-March-2013The Father says today that My mind and My thoughts are permeating your life and are available to change and shift your thinking from failure to success. There is nothing illegitimate about success or victory or attainment. I created ambition and when ambition is sanctified by My plan for your life it becomes consecration that will see you through every temptation.
So reign in despair in your life today says the Father and realize that you were created for a purpose and that purpose will come to fruition as you seek My mind and My truth about who you are and why I brought you into the earth. I am not willing to do the things in the earth that I’m going to do without your involvement. You are an intrinsic part of My plan says the Father and you are not one day late or one gift short of fulfilling the purpose for which you were created.

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