The Father Says Today – April 21st, 2024

The Father says today, stand boldly in your faith, for I stand beside you, hand outstretched, brimming with blessings meant specifically for you. My goodness, grace, and power lie dormant, not because I’m withholding them, but because you haven’t fully engaged the channel. You are the transmitter, designed to receive and broadcast My will. Open your mouth wide. Don’t hold back or speak anemic or timid requests. Speak clearly, speak boldly. Ask for what you need. YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO ASK ME. Don’t be afraid to dream big – I am a God of vast resources. You are not limited by circumstance or human constraints. You are the conduit, the connection between heaven and earth. My glory is like a reservoir overflowing with potential. You are the spillway designed to direct that abundance into your life.

Look at your situation. What burdens weigh you down? What dreams lie dormant because of a lack of resources? Speak them to Me. Don’t be afraid to be specific. Be audacious in your prayers. Don’t settle for mediocrity when I offer limitless potential. My blessings aren’t dispensed on a whim but in response to your faith. The more you ask, trusting in My ability to provide, the more I can unleash My power in your life. Consider this: The pressure builds when a dam holds back a vast reservoir. The water seeks an outlet, a channel to flow through. Your prayers are that channel. The greater your faith, the wider you open yourself to receive, and the more My blessings will surge through you, impacting your life and those around you. Don’t be a passive recipient. Engage with Me. Become the powerful transmitter I created you to be. Speak. Ask. Receive. It’s that simple yet profoundly impactful.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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