The Father Says Today: April 21, 2023

The Father says today that I am not on a budget; therefore, you are not on a budget. Oh yes, there is the natural side of things that must be administrated, but at the end of the day, your life is bounded only by My boundlessness. Your strength is measured by My right arm, and your limitations are established by the parameters of My limitlessness. I want you to factor in My limitlessness and boundlessness into every decision that you make.

You see, says the Father, I have a ways and means committee deployed in your life to bring out your highest heart’s desire. Set your attention upon THAT and not upon limited resources. I am in the bow of your boat and will bring you to “peace be still” territory. Be at peace. Refuse to have little faith. Speak to the storm and the adversity. Will it not obey you as it would obey Me? I have put My words in your mouth. I am underwriting your prayers. You will not be disappointed.

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