The Father Says Today: April 20th, 2023

The Father says today, do not limit My power in your life by doubting or fearing. Trust in My goodness and know that I am working all things together for your good. You are not alone in your struggles; I am always with you. My grace is sufficient for you, and My strength is made perfect in your weakness. So, do not be discouraged or dismayed, for I am with you every step of the way. Remember, I have given you dominion over YOUR earth.
Claim your authority and speak forth My promises over your life. Declare that you are blessed, that you are favored, that you are victorious. Your words have power, so use them wisely. Speak life and not death; speak faith and not fear; speak blessings and not curses. I love you, My child, and I am for you. I have prepared a table of blessing for you, and it is overflowing with abundance. Come and feast at My table and enjoy the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Your best days are ahead of you because I am with you, and I am for you. Trust in Me and see what I will do in your life.

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