The Father Says Today: April 20th, 2013

Russ-and-Kitty-March-2013bThe Father says today I am the God of the shaking. I am shaking the earth and I am shaking YOUR earth says the Lord. I am bringing the shaking till all things that can be shaken are reduced and only my kingdom remains. Know that My plans and purposes are only for the bringing forth of My blessing and My chosen destiny for your life. So as the shockwaves break around you simply choose to trust and know that I am preserving and strengthening you in the midst of the process.
You see says the Father My government is on the increase in and around you. So fear not for as the systems of the world diminish I AM bringing radical and extreme increase to your life. As the mundane falls away you will experience the increase and the acceleration that comes when hindrances and impediments to My blessing are removed and My purposes take root in you without distract. Trust My process says the Father this is what you asked for and what you petitioned Me concerning. You will come to your destined purpose says the Father on a SOONER NOT LATER timetable.

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