The Father Says Today: April 1st, 2023

The Father says today addiction is being broken today. Salvation is not by the will of man but by My empowering grace. I release that to you now. You have prayed and cried out. You have called out LOUDLY at times. You have vowed. I heard you, says the Father. I heard your voice before the sound came out of your throat. Pay your vows, says the Father. The power of the vow can hold you back or launch you forward. Pay your vows. Defer not. Defer not to believe that I will do what you asked Me for.

You have inquired how I will do what I said I would do. I will bring the change as I ALWAYS do. My methods are consistent. Are you ready for the shaking? Are you ready for the shaking that shakes out, shakes away, and shakes off of you the things the enemy has tried to hold you in bondage with? So trust Me, says the Father, for I am with you, and it begins to get better, EVEN NOW.

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