The Father Says Today: April 1st, 2020

The Father says today, look through the lens of your faith. These are not dreadful times; these are exciting times. You can look through the glass that the enemy distorts, or you can look through the lens of faith and see that more things are going right for you than are going wrong. Lenses are formed through grinding, heat, and pressure. This current distress can blind you through unbelief, or you can choose to see with the eye of the eagle far above all principalities and powers ranged against you. I am the head of all the earth and every created thing, including the microscopic realm of the virus and the microbe. I am in you, and you are in Me. You are not beneath. You are above only. I am pouring out My Spirit on the earth and bringing all the systems of the world to the place of acknowledging the supremacy of My power in the days that now confront the nations.

You are My great end-time army. You are My servants and My handmaidens. You have committed to Me and I am able to keep that which you have committed to Me. Decide to involve yourself in what I am doing at this hour. Choose to be My bond-slave and make yourself available 24 hours a day. That decision is powerful and life-changing. I am looking for those who will cut every cord that binds them to the natural world and separate themselves to Me. You aren’t helpless. You are a vital player on the stage of the cosmos now standing in the limelight for the signs, miracles, and wonders that will beggar human description. The cameras will roll, and the images will be cast around the earth by satellite. They will see what I am doing and how I am using you and be stunned to silence and humbled to contrition, for this is the hour of My power, and you are in the crosshairs of My glory.

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  • Amen. I am yours and you are mine. Use me and my family for your glory Lord. Amen

  • Dee Dee says:

    Father help me as you strengthen my faith in you, this is a level I have never been brought to but you are faithful from age to age. I know I will either be blown away at your mercy at this ending or blown away by you returning but this will not last forever just like every other trial ive been through. I ask you to balance out my hormones so I can take this on in my right mind and right heart.

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Hallelujah ! Jehovah Adon Kal Ha’arets, El Elyon, El Olam, El Shaddai, Jehovah Bara, Jehovah Elohenu, Jehovah Hashopet, Jehovah Sabaoth, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Izuz ‘Gibbor, Jehovah Kabodhi.

  • Joseph Mulwa says:

    Amen Have your way in my life Jehovah God.The Lord is my shepherd I have all need in Jesus name.

  • Jodi Cipriano says:

    “And you are in the crosshairs of my glory “
    Highest hearts desire-Greatest dream fulfilled