The Father Says Today: April 1st, 2013

Russ-March-2013The Father says today I am leading you by My kindness and not by severity. This is not what you have been taught but that is a misrepresentation. When I determine to bring a change in your life I will guide you in My goodness and transition you in kindness and blessing. I place no premium on suffering or severity says the Father for it is My kindness and My goodness that leads to repentance. I would that you adopt the mentality now that will rule you in that season when everything you touch springs up as blessing. For that is where I am taking you and that is the season that I have made you a candidate for.
I have made you a candidate for blessing so allow the washing away of the contaminated mentality of denial and rejection. I am not rejecting you says the Father I am refining you. You have felt the heat for I am bringing you closer to Me in gentleness yet with great determination. I am a FIRE says the Father – I am an ALL CONSUMING FIRE. All the paper-work opinions of religious mentalities will not just be left behind they will be consumed as you become one not merely taught about God by the uninformed you will be one that walks in the demonstration of the full spectrum of My grace.

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  • ingrid says:

    I am overwelmed by the word for today. I have been tormented by demons and humans alike of my deserving suffering and fitting punishement for my arogance though I do not deny my offenses. For who can stand against God. Yet deep down inside I kept believing that God could not be this cruel. I am weeping with thanks that my Father sent you with this word and I receive it as my life supply. This morning I felt tingles of healing flowing through my body which confirms with this word. I thank you and praise my saviour for hearing my deepst cry. Be blessed as you already are