The Father Says Today: April 19th, 2023

The Father says, today, you are destined for a face-to-face encounter with Me. There is coming a day and an hour and a moment when your experience in Me will not require any interpretation or discernment. I will meet you as I met Abram on the plains of Mamre, and you will see Me and know Me as I am. Fear not. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by the things around you or events taking place that threaten your peace. Know that My covenantal protection safeguards you every hour, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

I have far more for you than gifts, words, and anointings. These are those things by which you serve My purpose and fulfill the assignments I give you daily. Know that intimacy is your portion, and the deeps of My presence will be the environment where you will know Me and the fellowship of My glory. In My glory is every treasure that satisfies the soul and causes you to know and reflect the fullness of My person, as a mirror reflects the face. In that reflection, every contrary image will fade and you will be changed – forever changed into My likeness.

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  • Seth Jensen says:

    Dearest Prophet Russ, you are a beloved treasure, and blessing, in God beyond words… Thank you eternally for every word of God that you faithfully minister, as both from and unto the Lord, indeed… we shall be satisfied when we awake with His Likeness! Dreams do come True! HalleluYah, and thank you Faithful loving tender Creator, Love of our Lives, Father and Son. 🙂