The Father Says Today – April 18th, 2024

The Father says today; I have raised you up from struggle and suffering to rule and reign as a king and priest in My kingdom. I am the ultimate territorial spirit, and every place you put your foot, I have given it to you. Everything you put your hand to, I will prosper. Just as I placed Adam in the garden and entrusted him with its care, I have set you in your life. You have a purpose, a responsibility to cultivate and maintain it. Your words hold the key to your blessings. Speak them freely, with faith, and I will fill your mouth with the power to bring them to pass. Take stock of your situation. Identify the challenges before you. Don’t let fear dictate your words. Speak pronouncements of faith. The boundaries you establish through your declarations will determine the extent of My blessings and the riches released through your prayers. My abundance will dispel the shadows of lack, sickness, heartbreak, and despair. As you actively declare “My Kingdom come” in your life, I will envelop you in it. Your deliverance is contingent on your faith-filled pronouncements and prayers. I am ready to work, but only in partnership with you, My sons and daughters.

You are royalty because the shed blood on the Cross was that of a king, even the King of kings, and that blood covers you, changes you, and cleanses you of every transgression and stain of sin. Wield the scepter of dominion over your life, your circumstances, and the lives of those around you. They yearn for a voice to command the storms in their lives, to say, “Be still!” Don’t let your lips remain silent. My actions are triggered by your words. Speak them with faith, and the blessings and deliverance you seek will rise up to meet you. Forget the notion of meager scraps falling from heaven. There is only the bountiful “gold of God,” poured out in broad measure upon you from the vaults of Heaven and it manifests at your command, through your words. I am calling forth those words from you today. Speak them now, and watch your faith come alive.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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Other Comments

  • Dear Lord,
    Give me my opportunity, I’ll give You my cooperation!
    Amen! (John 21: 6,7).

  • Sarah Koontz says:

    Lol, Russ I swear you’re in the car with us on this road trip listening to our conversations. Every day the word you give dictates the course of the day. I laughed all the way through this word just now because you said what I’ve been saying for 3000 miles lol