The Father Says Today: April 18th, 2013

907451_4507801464008_2113390240_nThe Father says today be of good courage this day. Greatness never leaves the earth says the Father. Mantles of courage and honor remain available generation after generation and I have reserved a mantle in your behalf that you might find and fulfill your destined purpose. Don’t look back says the Father. Don’t look back to the things that are behind you look to the things that lie ahead. I have reserved great and mighty things ahead for those who will move by My Spirit and attend to My voice in times of challenge and grief.
Let My voice be the guiding compass for this season says the Lord. Make it your determination not to be pressured into reacting to the prattling and raging enemy who purposes to rob you of your blessing. Stand fast in your assignment and allow no distraction from the domain of darkness. Accept the mantle of destined purpose I have given you. Wrap yourself in the folds of My love and approval. Refuse to be provoked by the hand of the enemy. Stand your post and watch with diligence and determination for My hand is upon you and My strong right arm is manifest right before you even this day.

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