The Father Says Today: April 17th, 2023

The Father says today, let all fretfulness go by the wayside. I have planted within you the incorruptible seed of Myself. There is no crop blight on the harvest of blessings I am bringing up out of your life. As you yield to Me and cooperate with My influence on your life, the harvest will come and be bountiful. Trust in My process. Listen to My voice. Allow My word to establish the boundaries to keep you moving forward in My purpose.

All will be clear in time. I have sometimes placed blinders on your eyes to keep you from distraction. Had you known the challenge ahead, you might have turned and run away, but that was not what I wanted. I am here to WALK YOU THROUGH the trial. My delivering hand will cast aside every assault against you, both seen and unseen. There is nothing transpiring that takes Me by surprise or is outside the bounds of My saving strength. Be confident, says the Father. Be assured. Your faith is growing and your strength in Me is mounting up and working change within and deliverance without.

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