The Father SAys Today: April 17th, 2013

Russ-n-Kitty-Feb-2013x150The Father says you are My abiding Place. You are that habitation where I choose to place My name and My glory. My glory is what attracts the angels. They approach the glory crying HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. That holiness is on the inside of you says the Father. Make it your determination to release that glory into your life for where the glory goes the angels follow. Angelic assignment tracks the glory and serves the glory wherever it is found. This is the purpose of the angelic host and what they are intended to be and to do.
So know that the same resources that attend My throne attend your life on a day by day and moment by moment basis. They never cease to service the glory and they never cease to attend your life for you are My habitation says the Father. You are Mine says the Father and I will never leave you or forsake you or cease to bring you in your humanity to the full measure of the stature of My son.

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  • Thank you sooooooooooooo much infinetly I appreciate you and your ministry so very much. Thank God. May the Glory of the Lord rise upon you .May the song of his praise rise upon you. Oh oh oh Let it rise! is the song I hear in my spirit!

  • Mrs Sikiratu Ode says:

    A feeling of peace admist all the chaotic economic crisis.For l believe l live in the land of Goshen though it may not look like it, but for the Glory of Yaweh that abounds in us.Angels on assignment ferry through his word.
    Showers of blessing on you both Prophet Russ and Kitty Walden for your obedience.