The Father Says Today: April 16th, 2013

907451_4507801464008_2113390240_nThe Father says today FEAR NOT little flock it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. It is My good pleasure to protect and defend and preserve you. Though thousands fall by thy right hand and ten thousands at thy left the overflowing scourge will not come nigh thee for My hand is upon you. So lay down in peace and let your sleep be sweet says the Father for My angels are watching over you.
Rise up and face your day with authority and joy and declaration of who I am in your life for I am walking with you through out this day and pacing Myself at your side as a vanguard and faithful guide in every step you take. The very breath of your nostrils is filtered by My grace and My mercy and surely says the Father you will drink deeply and rest greatly in My loving-kindness all the day long. This is My kindness that I choose to show you. This is My unconditional love and favor that keeps you every hour.

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