The Father Says Today – April 15th, 2024

The Father says today, focus not on what might go wrong for I am the God that always causes you to triumph, leading you from faith to faith and victory to victory. Can you take “yes” as an answer? All of My promises are yes and amen, so look to Me and know that I’m greenlighting the way forward even though you don’t have all the answers because your answer is not a THING or a PLAN but a PERSON – the person of My Son who went to the Cross to ratify your deliverance and bring you out of the boiling cauldron of suffering into a place of blessing and forward momentum. Even if you make a mistake – I am the God who makes your mistakes to prosper. Even though you can’t see what comes next, keep hold of My steadying hand guiding you through every twist and turn. There will be challenges; that much is certain, but I am the God that takes the rocky, difficult path and, by the alchemy of My grace, transforms it into a yoke easy and burden like to the chagrin of those who only look for downturn in your situation. Don’t look to them or give them thought, just love them and move on into the destiny and assignment I have for you in My kingdom. 

It’s easy to get caught in the current of negativity, to be pulled under by the what-ifs and the maybes. But I say to you, lift your head. Expect a more-than-enough release of My grace, surrounding you with hope, dispelling the darkness and raining down the beneficial rains of My Spirit that cause your dreams to grow to fruition and your heart’s desire to be realized in a radical and miraculous way. This is not to say you should ignore potential troubles. Be prepared, be discerning, and use the wisdom I’ve granted you. But do not spend your days consumed by anxieties. Trust that I will equip you for the challenges you face. My strength will be your shield. Say in your heart every morning, “What else could possibly go right?” As you face the day, ask yourself, “What unexpected blessings might be waiting around the corner?” A reconciliation you’ve longed for? Yes, that and more. An opportunity that arises from a setback. It’s happening now, says God. Keep your heart open to the possibilities, the good that may unfold in ways you cannot anticipate. There will be sunshine and rain, joy and sorrow—that is the rhythm of life. But through it all, I am constant. My love for you is unwavering. Let that be your source of comfort; let it fuel your determination. Go forth with courage. Face the future with confidence. And remember, I am always with you.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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