The Father Says Today: April 15th, 2023

The Father says today, do not despair over those who take, and give nothing back. I will prosper you beyond their boundaries and lengthen your tent stakes beyond their reach. Render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto Me, that which is Mine. Your base state in My kingdom is one of abundance, and no plan of man will ever diminish that. Your striving is not with man, says the Father. Be at peace and allow yourself to come to rest. Even as I avoided out of the presence of those who had other plans for Me, so you shall walk through limitations imposed by man and breakthrough into My limitlessness.

Say of your soul this day, “I am limitless with His limitlessness.” The breaker anointing is on you to change the outcome and bring the harvest. There are yet even harvests that you planted in times past that you thought failed and would come to nothing. But I say to you that there is not one planting season you participated with Me in that will not bring in the 100-fold return. Call in the failed harvest, says the Father. Expect the full measure, for this is your entitlement by My hand, and nothing shall impede it.

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