The Father Says Today: April 15th, 2013

907451_4507801464008_2113390240_nThe Father says today that I am pressing in to you. You have yearned and cried out and I have chosen this day – this 24 hour period to press into you with My love and My power and My Glory. Purpose in your heart that neither distraction or the assault of the enemy will dissuade you from the fullness of My Spirit that is being activated on you NOW.
This is your NOW season says the Father. This is your NOW day. Let every hesitancy and hindrance be cast aside as you hurl yourself headlong into My revealed Glory. As you turn your face toward My fire I will break out on your flesh and enflame your spirit and transform your soul into My manifest image. This is what you have cried out for and what I have determined to bring forth of Myself in your life at this moment says the Father.

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