The Father Says Today – April 14th, 2024

The Father says today; I am not unrighteous to ignore that you have labored in My name and do labor endlessly in My kingdom. You prioritize your faith and family, managing your time effectively to fulfill your responsibilities. This sensitivity to the needs of those close to you reflects a heart attuned to mine. Remember, the wisdom and discernment you seek come from a wellspring that never runs dry. Turn to me in prayer, and I will guide your decisions, leading you on a righteous path. The love, care, and compassion you cultivate are fruits of the Spirit growing within you. These qualities and your ability to remain calm under pressure are testaments to your character. When missteps occur, your swiftness to repent demonstrates genuine humility.

Your dedication to a life led by the Spirit fosters peace, consistency, and unwavering faith. This commitment allows you to walk in love, offering encouragement and inspiration to those around you. Your attentiveness to the Holy Spirit’s promptings ensures you stay on the path I have laid before you. My presence and peace are yours to claim, adorning your life like a protective shield. Know that grace and favor crown your endeavors, and unfailing goodness and mercy follow you every step of the way.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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  • Junior KPADJOUDA says:

    Thank you Papa Russ for sharing this word of God with us. It is like a balm to my heart today. It is so encouraging to realize (again) that God sees and knows the deepest desires of our Hearts. I was praying yesterday for wisdom to prioritize my family and faith while meeting the spiritual needs of those around me. I am glad that God not only sees it but will answer to it with grace and favour. Indeed, God loves us and cares for us. Have a great day ahead Papa. Amen.