The Father Says Today: April 14th, 2023

The Father says today that laughter is your armament, and rejoicing is a salvo of bombardment against the enemy. Laugh, says the Father. Laugh the laugh of faith. Laugh the laugh that Sarah laughed, and laugh the laugh that Abram laughed. Some look at you and think you are a joke, but the answer of My grace and favor will adjust their thinking. I will vindicate you, says the Father, so give no further thought to what others are saying or thinking.

Be delivered this day from the fear of man. The fear of man will not magnify itself in your life any longer. I brought you into this place, and I will lead you out in My time. They have said you will fall and falter, but I have written it in the archives of time that your rejoicing will be full, and you will by no means be turned back or disappointed on a single score!

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  • Petrus says:

    I receive this Word in the name of JESUS.
    HIS Word is steadfast and never failing. In HIM we trust and worship HIM for HIS great unending love beyond understanding.