The Father Says Today: April 14th, 2021

The Father says today, come to Me and ask with specificity. It is not necessary for you to pray in generalities. You need not approach My throne vaguely hoping for crumbs from the Master’s table. You are an entitled one. You are born again of the incorruptible seed. There is nothing in you I choose to look at that disqualifies you from the promise of My word. Come expectantly. Come rejoicing. Come before Me with a knowing that I receive you as a loving Father receives His favored child. You are as the apple – the pupil of My eye and I will tend you and care for you with a kindness that will overwhelm and quench every assault of the enemy against you.

So, accept My love and embrace a view of your standing before Me based on what I did for you on Calvary. You are not required to EARN what I have freely given. Come. Come to Me with a knowing that all of heaven will be bankrupt, if that’s possible, to answer your need. I will move heaven and earth to satisfy the necessity of your life. Cast your expectation and your faith upon the work of the Cross. Set aside all sense of rejection or past disappointment. Learn from My promise and let My promise – the promise of My word, have the ascendency over every other expectation. I am here. I am present, and I am working right now to elevate and increase you in every area of life this day.

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