The Father Says Today: April 14th, 2013

Houstonx200The Father says today that I am watching over you in My vigilance today. I am caring for you and comforting you for I am the God of all comfort. I am correcting those things that need to be corrected even before you are aware that something needs to be different. You see says the Father that My correction is not punitive in nature because I took all punishment upon Myself on the cross.
I will never inflict upon you what I bore upon the tree. Let this mind be in you and shape your understanding of who I am. You can safely rest in My kindness even My loving-kindness for that is the garment I am clothing you with today. Do you believe that I took all punishment upon Myself on Calvary? If then I took ALL punishment upon Myself in your behalf then you must accept that I have no punishment to mete out.
So trust and rest in My gentle hand of correction in your life says the Father. Know that I am transforming you and shaping you into My perfect image. It is My joy to know and to see this process come to fruition as you look like Me and talk like Me and act on the earth even as I act in heaven. This is what I died and rose again to bring about and this is your portion and your blessing today.

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