The Father Says Today – April 13th, 2024

The Father says today – press in to being God-inside minded. When you feel overwhelmed by the world, it challenges a storm cloud obscuring your path – open your mouth, reach down into your heart, and unleash the faith that moves the mountains in your way.  When I told the disciples, “Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world,” you were uppermost in My mind and My heart, for the authority that derives from the throne plays no favorites, is not bound by time or the happenstance of your situation. What you are facing may seem bigger than you, but never forget that I am in you, ruling, reigning, and militating on your behalf to break down the walls of captivity around you and cause you to walk out into a level of freedom and entitlement in Christ you’ve never fully experienced. Never stray in your thoughts from believing and acting upon the fact that the very essence of My divine presence dwells within you. It represents an immense power, far exceeding any earthly struggle.

I said in My word there are rivers of My Spirit on the inside of you. That isn’t a metaphor for a river. It IS a river of power, strength, refreshing, and peace. Within you lies a wellspring of unwavering resilience and authority that dwarfs any obstacle you confront. This is not empty motivational rhetoric; it is an unshakeable fact. The Spirit resident within you surpasses any sin that may tempt you, any sickness that may afflict you, any lack you may experience. It is far greater than any circumstance, any doubt, any fear this world can unleash upon you. Therefore, the next time you feel burdened, remember this: you do not walk this path alone. The Greater One walks beside you, and more importantly, resides within you. Call upon Me promptly and expectantly. Rely on My unwavering strength and face your challenges with renewed confidence. It is not a question of your own abilities but of the divine force, the unleashing of My kingdom welling up in you, working through you and flowing out from you through your faith-filled words to destroy all the works of the enemy. You are more than a conqueror and more than a match for the limited resources of the enemy. Go forth, then, with boldness and unwavering faith, for the Greater One lives within you. With Me as your guide, you cannot fail.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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