The Father Says Today: April 13th, 2023

The Father says today; I am sitting over the land as a refiner’s fire and fuller’s soap. My dealings will sometimes seem caustic, but it is necessary, for My land will be cleansed. My land will be cleansed, and I will renew the hopes of the prisoners and lift up the heads of those who have been cast down and disappointed. I have not worked folly in your life nor rejected your prayers. Your prayers are heard, says the Father, but the shaking is necessary.

When the enemy taunts you and bids you surrender – just wrap yourself in My presence and guard the entrances to your heart. Refuse to be in fear. Refuse to feel rejected. You are not rejected, says the Father – you are the Accepted and the Entitled, by My hand. Any other counsel is a LIE OF THE ADVERSARY! So be at peace and know that every scourge will pass over, and I will establish you in your own place, and with your own eyes, you will see all My goodness known!

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