The Father Says Today: April 12th, 2020

The Father says today, My kingdom is voice-activated and motion-activated. Take a moment and examine what you are saying and what you are doing. My kingdom is not “waiting” activated. Waiting and waiting only produces more waiting. I say to you that you have a staff of authority in your hand and a word of command in your mouth. What is in your hand? What’s coming out of your mouth? I didn’t say, “go get something in your hand…” I said, what CURRENTLY is in your power to DO? Moses understood this, and the people crossed over on dry land. My promise in the Old Covenant was to bless whatever the people put their hand to. I challenge you, says the Father – put your hand to something, and I will bless it. Step out in a direction, and I will take the steps of your feet and direct them to your blessing place.

What is in your mouth, says the Father? Are you taking words in your mouth and speaking them out of your mouth that are contrary to My word? Are you only hoping things will get better without declaring it to be so? Let Me make this perfectly clear – prayer, declaration, or decrees that are not verbal out of your mouth are only wishful thinking. When I created the earth, I didn’t look down and just wish things would be different. I spoke the word of command, and from that day, all of creation was mandated to respond to the word of command I authorized Adam to walk in. Put the word of command in your mouth by saying what I say and then bring your faith to life by corresponding action. I am not just the Comforter; I am the Teacher. Things are the way they are because of what you are doing. If you will humble yourself and discipline yourself to walk in My ways and do what I do and say what I say, you will then have every day the God-results you are crying out for!

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  • Frances McHenry says:

    Father thank you I rise up out of the ashes like a Phoenix bird! Thou they try to destroy me and steal from me, but still I rise, Amen!

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Praise the Lord, Jehovah Elohim, El Olam, El Shadday. Heavenly Father, align my heart with Yours, align my mind with Yours, give me Your wisdom, give me clarity. Jehovah Mephalti, I thank You for Your word that has come into my heart today, resulting in positive transformation and promotion, causing me to walk in glory and soar on the wings of Your spirit. Jehovah Moshi’ech, may my life display Your power, do the impossible in and through me, in the name of Jesus, Amen.