The Father Says Today – April 11th, 2024

The Father says today, give Me some cooperation, and I will give you some change. I hear the agony in your heart as you have been yearning for transformation. Your cries for relief have reached My ears. However, I require your cooperation to usher in the freedom and transition you desire. Remember the Israelites during their desert wanderings? When it was time to break camp, they had to choose what to leave behind and what to bring with them. That choice is before you now. Don’t be like Abraham and bring Lot with you, for the tyranny of the familiar will slow you down and divert you away from My best plan for your life.

Now, I say this: simplify your life so you can soar. There are elements within it that hinder your service to My Kingdom. Let go of these things. Don’t waste time on formalities or agonizing introspection. Simply rise and walk away. Walk away from the shackles of habit, hardship, and heartbreak. Break free from any authority that holds you back from your true purpose. Cast yourself into the current of My plans, says the Father. I will be your constant support, guiding and sustaining you with each step. This act of letting go may seem daunting. But remember, I am with you. The burdens you relinquish will not be missed. In their place, I will fill your life with purpose and the lightness you crave. Trust Me, and move forward with an open heart.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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