The Father Says Today: April 11th, 2020

The Father says today, feed today on My word and allow your spirit to soar to new heights. My word embedded in your human spirit sets the preamble for what happens next in your life. Make it your determination that the Logos and the Rhema of My word will ever be the dominant narrative that you feed on and put your attention on at all times. Remember beloved, that you are where your attention takes you. If your focus is on calamity, misfortune, or disaster, then you have set the parameters of what your future will become. You must tear yourself away from all surmisings, expostulations, or dark visions of some cataclysmic end. The apocalypses in My word are the revealing of Christ, of who I am before I am anything else. To think otherwise is to hold the truth in unrighteousness, and that is not what you are called to. I have accorded you in your very being the absolute impartation of who I am. The rank that I hold in the created world constitutes the authority that you hold in your personal cosmos. You are a king, and you are a priest. You stand before Me and your angels ever behold My face to assure that every need is met and every assignment of hell against you is broken.

This is a time of shift and a time of flux in human affairs. Many who witnessed My earth walk didn’t make the transition to the days of the apostles. John the Baptist himself was never intended to render up his life in Herod’s dungeon. Refuse to get offended by the fact that My thoughts are not your thoughts, and My ways are not your ways. There is a place here by Me with your name on it, but you must draw yourself aside and lose the opinions of men that have shaped your thinking more than you know. You are not a mere human being. You are a new creation. You are a member of the race of the Second Man that I established by the power of My resurrection. Adopt in yourself the Christ-mind that thinks as I think and sees what I see and decides even as I reveal. The sweeping away of the chaff is working its way through the earth, and at the end of the matter, a new awakening will come forth. My purpose and My intention are that you will be an early adopter and a first partaker of all that I have promised even from the beginnings of the earth until this very moment.

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Other Comments

  • James Tyson says:

    James Tyson
    Thanks for the ministry of the word
    faithfully rendered, Blessings to you all.

  • Frances McHenry says:

    Thank you Father. Give me an insatiable appetite for your Word, Amen.

  • Steven Morris says:

    Thank you, Father. In Jesus name, Amen. I accept and ask to grow in the anointing that you have put on my life. Continue to speak and lead me as you see fit, Father. Amen.

  • Israel Moussa says:

    Praise the Lord, God of salvation, Jehovah Adon Kal Ha’arets ! Eli, El Shaddai, give me Your wisdom, align my heart with Yours, align my mind with Yours. Jehovah Keren Yish’i, I thank You for Your word that has come into my heart today, resulting in positive transformation and promotion, causing me to walk in glory and soar on the wings of Your spirit, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

  • Joseph Mulwa says:

    Amen I receive in Jesus name.Thank you Jesus,have your way Jehovah in Jesus name.