The Father Says Today – April 10th, 2024

The Father says today, open your ears. Truly open them. There’s a tendency, a human tendency, to turn them away from what brings discomfort, what challenges your established way of thinking. But understand this: spiritual deafness is a roadblock. My voice is the instrument of My Kingdom, the very delivery mechanism of blessings, of direction, of hope. How can you expect My Kingdom to flourish in your life if you shut out the King’s pronouncements? It’s a simple truth: “He that has ears, let him hear.” This isn’t some cosmic game, some ethereal riddle. It’s a choice. Choose to hear, and with that hearing comes a harvest: righteousness, a deep sense of being set right, peace that surpasses understanding, and a joy that transcends circumstance.

Don’t let anyone, anyone at all, steal that from you. Don’t let them cup their hands over your ears and whisper, “Don’t listen.” This is your Father speaking, not some imposter, not some voice fueled by fear or manipulation. This is your Maker, the One who crafted you, the One who holds the power to bring restoration and miracles into your life. But that power requires a recipient, someone willing to receive. Are you willing? Are you prepared to come into My presence and truly hear? To set aside the noise, the opinions, the doubts others may project onto you? In that quiet space of open listening lies your healing, your liberation. It lies in the unfiltered reception of My voice. Choose to hear, and let My Kingdom take root within you.

Now, mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. 

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