The Father Says Today: April 10th, 2023

The Father says today that the Baal spirit is being broken in your midst. The Baal spirit is a spirit of abuse, torment, and harshness. I will stop the mouth of the mocker, and I will stay the hand of the striker, says the Father. My children have grown up in timidity and fear because of those who have brought the rod across their backs and claimed it was My directive to do so. It has been said it was necessary, and they were only acting for your good, but I took the blows intended for you, and the reproach against you has landed upon My brow.

So forgive yourself, and forgive those who have misspoken and misrepresented who I AM and what I am doing. I am not who they say I AM, and I haven’t done what they say I have done. You see, we are in this together, and I am walking you out of the house of Baal and bringing you to the still waters and green pastures of the shepherds after My own heart. You will come up as calves of the stall, and the yoke of bondage will be broken off your neck. Rejoice, says the Father, for this, is the work of My hand in your life.

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