The Father Says Today: April 10th, 2013

Russ-and-Kitty-March-2013bThe Father says today rejoice for this is your liberation day. My Spirit is resident within you and My Spirit will create liberty in every environment where it may be found. So seek out My Spirit today and you will find the rest that you are looking for. I would that you enter into My rest says the Father because in My rest is the only place where anything really gets accomplished. Of all those things that are in front of you I am the doer of all that really matters so seek Me out allow Me to do and to be who I am and you will find the tasks at hand readily accomplished without taking a toll on your peace.
Let My peace and My rest be resident within you says the Father. My peace will quell all warfare and will quiet the din and clamor of battle around you. Settle it now that your default posture toward Me will be one of trust and rest and confident expectation that I will take care of every challenge that confronts you this day. Do not allow the enemy to harass or to hurry you. Simply move forward doing what is in front of you knowing that I am entering into the work and giving you grace to bring every issue in your life to a profitable conclusion.

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Other Comments

  • Wow. That was EXACTLY what I needed to hear word for word. Thank You Lord for Your unfailing peace and rest. Bless you Russ and Kitty Walden.

  • Mrs Sikiratu Ode says:

    Amen and Amen may l continue to find peace in his presence.
    I proclaim Yaweh’s blessing on your ministry.