The Father Says Today: April 6th, 2013

Houstonx200The Father says today that you are coming into a bridal season. The consummation of Myself in you is about to take place. The bridal garments are available now. Take them and adorn yourself as a bride adorned for that One whom she loves. This is your time. This is the day and the hour. There will be delay no longer.
Allow Me to fill you says the Father. Allow Me to execute upon you that transformative grace that will shape and mold you with FINALITY into My image. I am bringing My mantle over you as Boaz covered Ruth. No more gleaning in the fields for morsels of “hear in part and know in part”. I am coming into your life in fullness. Empty your hands and I will fill your heart says the Father. Set aside all distraction and fix your gaze upon Me.
Ready or not here I come. I am coming that you might know Me as you have longed to know Me. That you might experience Me and be filled with all that I am on the inward parts of all that you are. I am perfecting intimacy in you today says the Father. Respond to My embrace this day and I will perfect Myself in you beyond all your highest expecations.

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  • Mrs Sikiratu Ode says:

    Wow the blessings of Jehovah on your ministry l am lost for words on how Papa is using both of you at such a time as this.
    Be blessed as l am rooting for you on your Jericho Drive.Go and conquer new territories .

  • Hallelujah!! It seems I’ve been waiting all my life to hear that Word which was given. I feel so spoilt right now, thank you Father God! I’m yours !! Bless you Russ and Kitty for your obedience and availability to hear from Father! Than you so much