The Father Says May 31st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that your emotions are not the vehicle of your spirituality. Your emotions receive the dividends of My glory on the inside of you but it is your spirit that contains, expresses and channels My glory from the throne to your life in manifest substance and answers to prayer and fulfillment of your dreams and your vision. Fallen man and natural thinking allow emotions to run the show and the result is frustration, anger, resentment and fear. I do not want you to be emotion driven says the Father but neither do I wish for you to be an emotionless automaton without passion for My kingdom or zest for life.
Religion has painted a picture of spirituality that would deny and wall you off from the things of life I have given you richly to enjoy. It is time in your life to set aside the vanities of dry and impotent religious experience. This is the bridal season says the Father. I am not coming for a widow veiled in black without anything but a dead, sterile commitment to Me. So have your emotions but bring them in check by bringing your spirit online as the arbiter and ruler of all the rest of your person including your passions. Your spirit must rule inwardly because that is where My lordship dwells and is enthroned. Your spirit is My personal throne room in your life and from there I release the glory to you, through you and in you that causes angels to cry HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. Come into that inner chamber says the Father and I will transform your life beyond all expectation!

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