The Breakthrough Prophetic Word for March 2013 (VIDEO)

The breaker anointing is released through the prophetic word. In this prophetic word for March 2013 the Father steps back through time to rewrite your destiny and assure your breakthrough.

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The Father says that the waters of transgression that are overflowing the world around you will not sweep you off your feet. You are not bound to where those currents are taking others. Find your anchor in Me says the Father for I will be your stay and your defense. Only with your eyes will you see the outcome that will affect those who have chosen NOT to know My name.
My name is your defense says the Father. Run into My name. Open your ears to the TRUE REPORT of My voice on the inside of you. I will lead you and guide you through the fire and you will come out without even the smell of smoke on one thing in your life that is dear to you. Trust Me says the Father. This is an hour and a day of unequivocal trust and dependence upon My hand and My voice and My purposes in your life.
You have become quite familiar with the territory of shame and frustration and lack. Move your feet says the Father for you will see this land of despair no more. This day I am moving you and propelling you forward into My provision. I am releasing a new protection over you that will not fracture under the pressures that are crushing others. You have said in your heart “I don’t think I can take much more of this …” But the Father says FEAR NOT for I AM with you! I will never leave you or forsake you. I will see to it AS YOU PUT YOUR TRUST AFRESH AND ANEW IN ME that nothing and no one will set on you to hurt or destroy or even to touch one hair of your head!

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  • Mya Austin-Campo says:

    CANNOT WAIT to see what the Lord is telling you for April. I know what I feel like He is saying but have noticed that what He is telling you and what He is telling me seems to be running a very similar vein! Woo Hoo!

  • filomena bosch says:

    Thank u FATHER for your word. LORD guide me all the days of my life here on earth thank you LORD for ur strengh that u have been giving me since u come to get Elouise my baby your angel. I know LORD it through your strengh that I am still here. Thank you in JESUS name. FATHER GOD bless all your children across the world