The Father Says Today – May 11th, 2024

The Father says today, things are the way they are because of what you are doing. If you want something different, you must do something different. You stand at a crossroads, burdened by anxieties and seeking solace. It is during these times that My clarity pierces through the fog. Remember, I am not a distant God but an ever-present force, closer than the breath of your nostrils. As I stand beside you, the world throws challenges your way, testing your faith and resolve. These are not punishments or disqualifications but opportunities. They forge your character, refine your spirit, and demonstrate your unwavering trust in Me. You may feel alone in your struggles, but I assure you, you are not. My kingdom is not a kingdom driven by feelings or emotion but by eternal realities accessed by your confidence in Me and yieldeness to My voice. I am Melchizedek, the Eternal Priest-King, existing outside the constraints of time. I have no beginning and no end. I am the expression of all that is holy, the divine made manifest.

My essence flows through you, your day, and every minute. You are not an accident of existence but a cherished creation woven into the fabric of reality. This divinely-placed spark within you grants you the strength to overcome any obstacle. Look back on your journey. Recall the hardships you have endured, the mountains you have climbed, the storms you have weathered. Each victory, big or small, is a testament to the resilience I have placed within you. Those same unwavering qualities reside in you today. Do not be overcome by doubt. Face challenges head-on, knowing that I am your constant companion. When anxieties cloud your judgment, seek solace in the place of prayer. Let your mouth pray that you might find comfort in the knowledge that I am listening. This period of unease is but a necessary chapter in your ongoing story. It is a crucible that refines your faith and strengthens your resolve. Emerging from this period, you will stand taller, your faith more unwavering, and your connection to Me deeper. Trust in the unwavering current of My love that carries you forward. You are not adrift but guided by My steady, unseen hand. My plans for you are good, overflowing with purpose and meaning. Take heart, for even in the darkest of nights, the dawn will come.

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