Request a Prophetic Word for 2016!

Request Your Personal Prophetic Word for 2016
2016 is approaching! The year on the Hebrew calendar is 5776 which represents spiritually the COMPLETION of the work of God’s Grace in Your life! How exciting! Believe the Prophets and so shall you prosper is the promise of 2 Chron. 20:20 Every year and particularly this year is a special time to seek out the prophetic word over your life. Receiving a word from the seasoned prophetic voice is invaluable.
Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden and the gifted prophetic team at Father’s Heart Ministry make themselves available in the fall season to give you an accurate, on time prophetic word to lead you into the the coming year. God has a breakthrough plan for you in 2016. It is a new day, a new assignment and fresh grace to break every spirit of containment that would attempt hold you back.


Throughout scripture God called his people together at key times in the year to re-orient them to His plans, purposes and pursuits. We invite you to request your NEW YEAR PROPHETIC WORD for 2016. It is vital to HEAR from the FATHER in order to ALIGN yourself with His revealed destiny for your life in the coming months.


The year 2016 is a YEAR OF COMPLETION in the purposes of God. Let it be done! The Apostle Paul told young Timothy to WAR with the PERSONAL PROPHECIES that where given over him. The prophetic potential of the new year is unlocked as you gain CLARITY and ASSIGNMENT through an ACCURATE personal prophecy.
We invite you to request your 2016 Prophetic word now. It is our privilege to voice the Father’s heart in your life and the lives of your loved ones.


2 Chron. 20:20 “Believe in the Lord so shall you be established, believe his prophets so shall you prosper…”

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