Prospering Under Pressure

Years ago, when I was pastoring my second church, I met a businessman who later became the worship leader over my congregation. Mitchell (now deceased) was a faith-filled man of God who followed the faith movement teachings as well as the teachings of Vineyard International under the leadership of John Wimber.  MJ (as he was called) had a burger shack in a little town called Bunkie in Louisiana in the deep South. You wouldn’t think he would do much more than eke out a living in such a rural area, but in fact, MJ was very blessed and was quite a giver. His family lovingly referred to him as “Father Abraham” because of his faith and his love for all those around him.

Prophet Russ – I Choose to Prosper Under Pressure – Today!

One of the primary spiritual disciplines I learned from MJ (he was in his 50s, and I was in my late 20s as his pastor). One of the things I learned was about speaking the word over your life. Mitchell worked very long, hard hours, but every day he would go home in the middle of the day and spend quite a bit of time (2-3 hours daily) speaking the word, and making positive confessions based on the scriptures over himself, his family, the church and his businesses. He did this and backed up his faith with generosity that went beyond the norm. He lived out the following verse in everything he did:

[Phl 4:8 KJV] 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

For this reason, MJ considered his words, even idle conversation in a social setting to be subject to spiritual warfare that would continually secure blessings in his life. If I met him on the street and asked him off-hand, “How are you doing?” his answer would often be, “Things are great and getting better…” He would say this even if it wasn’t quite the case. He didn’t do this to lie or be untruthful but to speak his faith in the midst of even difficult circumstances.

I’ll never forget one day I stopped by his place of business and asked the perfunctory “How are you doing today” his answer was as follows:

“Greater is the pressure on the inside flowing out than the pressure on the inside trying to get in!”

Prophet Russ – I Choose to Prosper Under Pressure – Today!

I knew instantly what he meant. There is so much negativity around us all the time. If we are going to be proactive about our faith, we need to beginning to move in the opposite spirit of the world that is constantly crowding in. What about you? When asked these casual questions, are you tempted to murmur or complain? There really aren’t any idle words for even idle words we will give an account for one day:

[Mat 12:36 KJV] 36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Why would we give an account for everyday, common, idle speech? Because our words have power. They affect you, and they affect everyone around you. Paul addresses this in the following passage:

[Col 4:6] 6 Let your words always be with grace, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should answer each person.

Grace is more than gentleness or refinement; grace speaks of God’s empowering presence. Let your words be seasoned with God’s empowering presence. Theologically grace is “the divine influence (of God) upon the heart; and the reflection of that grace, in one’s life.”. That’s what grace looks like coming from God to you. Grace coming from you, flowing out of you through your words, cause your LIFE to REFLECT the CHARACTER of those words. If you are speaking negatively, then the influence of that negativity will be reflected in your life. If you are speaking positively, the influence of that positivity (the positivity of your words) will be reflected in your life.

Prophet Russ – I Choose to Prosper Under Pressure – Today!

Are things difficult right now? Check your words and the character of your conversation. When you are feeling stressed, and someone asks you what’s wrong, let your first answer be, “Things are great and getting better!” and then follow up with, “Greater is the pressure of (God’s power) flowing out of me than the pressure of the (enemy) trying to get in!”

Why would you pray that way or speak that way? As an act of spiritual warfare. Paul understood this and penned the following words:

[Act 14:22 KJV] 22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, [and] exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

What is the kingdom? Romans 14:17.

[Rom 14:17 KJV] 17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Prophet Russ – I Choose to Prosper Under Pressure – Today!

The word “righteousness” means the “ability to stand upright in God’s presence.” It speaks of entitlement. Back to Acts 14:22, when we go through the tribulation (read PRESSURE), we break out into the kingdom. The word “tribulation” means “manifold, different kinds of pressure.” It has nothing to do with God suspending the merits of the Cross where you are concerned. It is simply referring to the many pressures of life we have to negotiate in order to keep our minds stayed on God and see the promise of His word become our portion. So, PRESS INTO THE PRESSURE (speaking the word), and you will BREAK OUT into the kingdom.

I’ve been walking this out for 30 years, and I can testify to you that I know what it is to see everything I say and do become as effective as if God said it or did it. I want to see this become your portion. Are you ready? Are you “in!”? I want to hear from you. Text me at 417-332-7749 and simply tell me, “Prophet Russ… I’m In!” Why? Because I want you to have YOUR VERSION of the BREAKTHROUGH I walk in. It’s available. It’s yoke easy and burden light. And it’s available NOW!

Prophet Russ – I Choose to Prosper Under Pressure – Today!

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