Prophetic Word for the Year 2017

Prophetic Word for the Year 2017
This is the prophetic word from Prophet Russ Walden for the Year 2017. 2 Chron. 20:20 says “Believe the Prophets so sahll you prosper…” May this word launch you into your destiny and align yourself to God’s purpose in the coming year.
TRANSCRIPTION: The Father says that 2017 is a year of refreshing, generalship and mustering out the troops of God. The year of going out in the Jubilee has been established and now comes the implementation and enforcement of return for all those things that have been apportioned to you from the throne. Reclaim your inheritance says the Father. Lay hold of that promise of old that has laid fallow in your hopes. This is the year that the twice dead seed that you despaired of producing My promise in your life will now become seed fruit harvest in this season.
The Father says rise to the sowing. Rise up to the sowing out for I am with you and will never leave you or forsake you. As Gideon winnowed wheat behind the winepress I am calling you to lay aside the threshing instruments of despair and self salvation and to confront the angel of My presence that has been sent from the Most High to annunciate you and to declare YOU to YOU. Command your eyes to SEE says the Father. Command your eyes to see yourself and your situation as I see you. Command your ears to hear not the approaching hoofbeats of the enemy – but to hear the rustling in the Mulberry trees declaring at time of going forth to fell all the work of the enemy and to reclaim the captives and the spoil that is rightful yours according to My promise.
The Father says today that I call you entitled one. This is a year of entitlement. This is a year when the specific strategies of the enemy against you are being exposed. Set your mind and set your heart against:

  1. Diversion – do not allow the enemy to distract you from the Matt. 6:33 dynamic. Do not allow anything to pull you away from seeking first the kingdom.
  2. Subversion – do not allow your ear to be inclined to the narrative of the negative. Whatsoever things are pure, perfect, of good report think on these things for the dominate narrative of your life establishes the experience that comes next. The angels assigned to you produce the fruit hanging low over the branches of that which you give attention to.
  3. Inversion – do not allow the enemy to make you put your head in the sand and run away and hide. This year is the year of being a confronter. To confront illegitimate authority. To cast down the lies of the enemy. To establish your jurisdiction in the blood bought authority of the lamb that makes you a king and a priest unto your God.
  4. Perversion – this is the year to unbind the twist of the enemy to pervert your character and your simplicity and purity before Me. He wants to take your piety and turn it into religious legalism, he wants to take your liberty and sell you into licentiousness. He wants to take your faith and push you into the snare of presumption. The Father says CAST OFF the grave clothes of excess and false extremity and fall at My feet as a life poured out like a drink offering – having only eyes for who I am and what I am doing and I will establish you and consecrate you and cause you THIS year to see what your eyes have longed to see of My promise, My purpose and My provision.

This is who I am says the Father and this is what I am doing in your behalf. Marvel not and mock not at what I am bringing about for this is your year of refreshing and the year of promise and fulfillment in your life.

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