Prophetic Word for the Year 2016

Prophetic Word for 2016Prophetic Word for the Year 2016
This is the prophetic word from Prophet Russ Walden for the Year 2016. 2 Chron. 20:20 says “Believe the Prophets so sahll you prosper…” May this word launch you into your destiny and align yourself to God’s purpose in the coming year. TRANSCRIPTION: This year is a year of accountability. I have released the open inventory of My truth and wisdom and understanding into the earth. Make it your determination in 2016 not only to know truth but to be accountable for that which you know. As you act on My truth and implement My truth and ferret out all falsehood in your own character and thinking so will your path be established and you will come to new blessing beyond all your expectation.
Say of your soul in this season says the Father “I will walk in accountability to the light that God has spread in My path…” The serpent in the way will be exposed says the Father as you say to your eyes “be opened” and to your ears “hear the voice of the Father…” No more eyes tightly shut. No more ears turned from My precepts. This is the hour and the season to see and to hear and to be a doer of My word and My words. My words on the inside of you are life and peace but they only become manifest in your circumstance as you walk in humility and transparency and obedience.
Embrace as dear children an obedient spirit and a willingness to work out and to walk out My promises. No longer looking to others to set the pace of your obedience I call upon you to live out on your own recognizance what it means to call Me Lord and Savior. This is the year says the Father of accountability and in your accountability to Me even when no one is looking on I will cause the diadem of My authority to rest upon your shoulder and you will walk with Me robed in white and come out on the other side of this gulf in peace and in blessing and in entitlement that is only afforded those who walk in accountability to My voice and My word in their lives.

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  • Lynn Mimshack says:

    AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameN Prophets Russ and Kitty. It is a great year indeed and I am accountable for my words and actions in Jesus’ Mighty Name, AMEN. Eye has not seen and it doth NOW appear. GlorrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.