Prophetic Word over New York from Prophet Michial Ratliff

DSC00258The Spirit of the Lord says, “I am speaking to New York, New York, and to all of My people to upgrade your faith and prayers.” I have many new “I wills” that I, says the Lord, desire and intend to do, not only in New York City, but in every city, state and nation. As it is written in Psalm 24:1, the earth is the Lords’ and the fullness thereof. Also in Ezekiel 36:37, these “I wills” are contingent upon you My people inquiring of Me. Remember the Scripture that says, ask, seek, and knock? Not if, but since you will do this, you will receive, find, and the door will be opened to you.
Hear the word of the Lord; the same enemy that attacked Paris, France, now is planning similarly to attack Times Square, New York, on New Years’ Eve 2015/2016. Thus, pray that it is “prevented.” I, says the Lord, desire you to heed my grace, which is prevention, instead of mercy after an attack, which would be termed “cure.” I prophesy to you Governors, to you Mayors, to mobilize agreements in prayers. I f you will do so, says the Lord, I and My angels will deputize every man, woman, even children to see, hear and report all the moves and the attempts of these enemies, that they be prevented from carrying out their evil plots.
I prophesy to all you first responders: police, firemen, paramedics, so that you also pray and see with your own eyes how I, the Lord, will anoint you and all the public with authority, each to be vigilant, aware with great supernatural clarity, to prevent harm and destruction…not to have grief, but great rejoicing and peace in all your ranks. If you will take this warning to heart, says the Lord, and start now in December, 2015 listening to the voice of My prophets, you will prosper (2 Chron. 20:20). Not only will you be newly established in Me, the Lord Jesus Christ, but become one of the safest cities in America and one of the cities of revival. “Now” New York State” is the choice of the other twin state of transformation with Texas, which I said, says the Lord, have chosen to turn this entire nation back to Godliness in the kingdom purposes I’ve ordained. (see previous Twin Towers’ word).
I am not asking much of you, says the Lord, for is it not written (Matthew 18:19) “that if even two of you should agree, touching, asking anything in My Name, the Name of Jesus, I will do it!” I’m giving sufficient time to spread this word and take action and pray, so that I may demonstrate My glory, says the Lord.
The year 2016 is called a Great Year of Endearment and Prevention for the shouts of grace have come to remove the evil mountain that has brought the last fourteen years of fear and terror. 2016 is like the days of Zerubbabel of old (Zech. 4:7) “He leads us out of confusion.” I, says the Lord am not the author of confusion, but the author of peace.
Is it not written in Matthew 16:18 that the gates of hell will not conquer My church? Therefore, I say close the gates of hell where you live and abide. Gates are leaders, walls are relationships. 2016 is a year that I, says the Lord, am destroying wicked leaders (gates) and their networks (minions) and their covens for you, the righteous to prevail against them.
Rise up therefore, because I led captivity captive (Ephesians 4:8). I am He who was dead and now alive, the living One, and I have the keys of death, hell, and the grave. Oh grave where is your victory, oh death where is your sting, for My life swallows up death (1 Cor. 15:55).
To contact Michial and Mary Jo visit

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Other Comments

  • Sherry Singletary says:

    Will miss Prophet Michial Ratliff dearly! He was the real thing, every prophetic Word he ever spoke over me rang true! He truly knew how to speak in the love of the Father. Looking forward to the Heavenly reunion!

  • Confirms what the Lord has been telling people. Ask God to reveal the hidden things of darkness in our nation so we can destroy the works of evil with warfare prayer. Arise prayer warriors.

  • Michial spoke over my husband and I on several occasions over the years that we knew him. We found him to be a truly humble man of God refusing to compromise his life. He will be missed.

  • Michial will be missed so much. He was a powerful and humble servant for Christ. He had such a profound impact on our lives. Every time that we were able to sit in a meeting we were blessed whether he was ministering directly to us or indirectly as he poured into another heart. Gods WORD through him changed my life through his obedience and sacrifice. He is dearly loved, respected, and honored. We give you all glory JESUS for your glorious son, Michial.

  • Thank you for posting Michial’s Prophetic Word over New York City. This prayer call is an immediate call to action, and needs to be circulated far and wide.
    Michial indeed will be greatly missed. His death is an exclamation point to his life, as exemplified in his final prophetic trumpet call as the Watchman on the Wall!
    Well done, good and faithful servant.

  • Regret to inform you that Michial has passed away shortly after this was posted. Since most people don’t know Michial or his ministry or history they don’t know just what a powerful mantle has been taken from the earth. My thoughts are on Elisha looking up when Elijah was taken – “my father, my father the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof….”

    • Michial will be missed so much. He was a powerful and humble servant for Christ. He had such a profound impact on our lives. Every time that we were able to sit in a meeting we were blessed whether he was ministering directly to us or indirectly as he poured into another heart. Gods WORD through him changed my life through his obedience and sacrifice. He is dearly loved, respected, and honored. We give you all glory JESUS for your glorious son, Michial.