Prophetic Meeting at Thomaston, Georgia (VIDEO)

Leigh-and-SonnyOn February 20th Prophets Russ and Kitty conducted a Prophetic Meeting in the house church hosted by Leigh and Sonny Barfoot of Thomaston Georgia. The house was overflowing and the Holy Spirit was present to stand up and TESTIFY through the Spirit of Prophecy to those gathered.

[vsw id=”ekGKdtu5vx8″ source=”youtube” width=”625″ height=”544″ autoplay=”no”]

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  • Leisa Coburn says:

    Dear Russ & Kitty,
    I just had to tell you that this meeting was so profound to me in so many ways. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit when I went to a Pentecostal Church in Irving, Tx in 1989. My life has never been the same since. One of the first questions I asked Brother Milsap(the assistant Pastor at the time) was can one person operate in ALL of the spiritual gifts. I kept hearing the Father say to me that if His Holy Spirit lived in me and possessed all of the gifts, then why can’t I operate in all of them as needed. So, I just had to ask and I so remember the look of suprise on Brother Milsap’s face upon me asking him this question. He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms and just stared at me and said, “I have never had anyone ask me that question before”, with a smile beginning to come across his face. After thinking it over, he said to me that he thought that yes, it was possible! Another similar story you told that I too experienced was about a year later, I was in my cell group. The leader of the group who was kind but ignorant, stopped and in front of everyone said that God doesn’t talk that much to us and he didn’t like that I was saying that God told me this and God told me that. I was very respectful and very young in the Lord and in no way had a good answer such as you gave. I just remained quiet after that and even though it seemed to me that I was still hearing Pappa God a lot and I realized this man was incorrect, I have to admit it was the beginning of my hiding and keeping quiet for many years. So when I heard you sharing how our covering is NOT anyone other than Jesus Christ it totally annihalted that illegitimate authority that has tried to hang on to me. It is gone now and actually a week or two ago you and Kitty gave me a prophetic word that just meant so much to me. Three times(once through you Russ, and twice through Kitty) you said I did not have to have anyone’s permission to obey the Father. I cried a lot that day…but it was a wonderful relief and I was set free. Then about a week ago my mother texted me and said to watch 700 Club which I rarely do watch that show(nothing against them though). There was a 2 minute time of question’s and answer’s by Pat Robertson and someone asked him the question that as a married woman, she had been told that the Pastor of her church was saying that he was their spiritual covering and was this right. Pat answered that no, that is heresy! He said even he wasn’t the spiritual covering over his wife. He said he was her protector and would do anything to protect her and provide for her because he loves her, but Jesus Christ alone is our spiritual covering! Now, this is the 3rd time w/in a few weeks and today I felt all of the questioning and fear and power’s of darkness in this area leave me! You guy’s are so teaching the Body of Christ who we are, bringing clarity and truth where there has been heresy, illegitamacy, and fear and you are setting the captive’s free. You guy’s are an example of who and what we are all to do. Thank you. We have never met in person yet, but as you said, the Holy Spirit divinely connected me and my husband to you and I love you both. 🙂